Curbstone provides sports and racing car owners with the ultimate in driving in Europe and the Middle East on world-renowned racing circuits."
Drive your car on circuits such as Spa-Francorchamps, Le Castellet, Monza, Hockenheim, Barcelona, Red Bull Ring, Yas Marina, Dubai in a unique environment. Participants benefit from top-of-the-range services with VIP hospitality, racing simulator, open bar, technical service, photo service, etc. The circuit gives you the opportunity to enjoy the freedom of driving without speed limits and to appreciate the performance and the degree of handling of your vehicle.
The different concepts offered will allow you to enjoy the circuit in the best possible way, from beginner to professional!
The result: your driving will be both better and safer in normal everyday traffic.
Professional instructors will be on hand to guide and advise you so that you can improve your driving skills in complete safety.
Curbstone S.A.
rue d'Arlon 53
1040 Bruxelles
+33 6 51 99 96 31