22/02/25 - Folembray (Objectif maitrise)

These information may have changed since they were published, in case of doubt please contact the organizer : Objectif maitrise.
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The organizer did not provide any description for this trackday

driving coach Driving advices from professional coaches are available on this trackday.

Drift Drift is allowed during this trackday.


Road car Road cars are allowed

Race car Race cars are allowed

Single-seater car Single-seaters are not allowed

For more information about this trackday, please contact the organizer

logo Objectif maitrise Website Objectif maitrise

Useful information

Noise limit on the Circuit de Folembray

Pot d’origine obligatoire, limité à 85 dB/95 dB. Aucun véhicule ne respectant pas cette limite ne sera autorisé à prendre la piste. Toute tentative de fraude (suppression de chicanes, ou autre) sera sanctionnée d’une amende de 500 € HT par véhicule avec interdiction définitive d’utiliser le Circuit de Folembray.

Directions to the Circuit de Folembray

routeShow directions from


Hotels near the Circuit de Folembray

hotel Book an hotel near of the Circuit de Folembray

These information may have changed since they were published, in case of doubt please contact the organizer : Objectif maitrise.